Guerrilla Cams
Project by Chana Anushik Manhaimer, Mor Peled, Sharon Azagi, 2019
Navah Joy Uzan | Dina Levy | Iris Hassid
Or Inbar | Bezalel Ben-Chaim
The group of artists is investigating the status of images that seem unconstrained. Imagery and data obtained from accessible sources of information are examined critically through the installation of a sculpted multi-channel control room. The viewer is invited to an experience that undermines the status of technology as an intermediary that transmits neutral information.
The project presents works that try to bring about what is not represented, whether through a reluctance to look or a proactive blockade or sensory limitations. A rare look into the backyard of a house in Gaza is treated with the same awe, skepticism, and sense of discovery as a robot-mounted solar clock transmitted live from Mars.
The project also focuses on translating physical phenomena and information into images or sounds – enabling them to be absorbed by human senses. In the translation process, various manipulations are used on the original information. Some of it is lost, some interpreted or reduced. Either way, the viewer is forced to recognize that there is always an agent or mechanism with an interest or agenda of its own.
The security cameras, webcams installed in every corner of the world, surveillance using flying robots, the use of artificial intelligence software to detect abnormalities that the human eye does not detect, sonar devices that convert radio waves to image and sound – all of these constitute the critical subjects of this project.
The entire control room is broadcast 24/7 from Binyamin Gallery to the Artists' House Tel Aviv as part of the "Low Sky" exhibition, which deals with power relations, dynamics, and control mechanisms between the private and the public spheres.